"How to love people who irritate you? Don’t pretend to love them, just understand that they are irritating you. Why are they irritating you? Simply because, they are not the way you expect them to be. They are not the way you want them to be. And in the same breath you also claim that you believe in God. If you believe in God, then the person who irritates you also happens to be a creation of God, and he seems to be such a masterpiece that he can just irritate the hell out of you, isn’t it? So, don’t deceive yourself. Just see irritation is happening because you have already decided what is right and what is wrong. You have decided, “This is the right way to be.” If they’re some other way, they will irritate you first, then you will get angry, then you will hate them, then you will want to kill them. This is a natural progression simply because you are expecting everybody in the world to be like you. If everybody in the world were like you, could you be here? In your own home, if there was one more person like you, could you live in that house? Would it be possible? It’s very good that everybody in the world is the way they are."
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