EVERYTHING IS SPIRITUAL... Are you watching closely?
In the beginning the was the WORD. And the WORD was with God, And the WORD was God.
The word represents thought. Pure unadulterated, free, creative energy. Life was "spoken" into existence.
And god said, "let there be light." Not only displaying the first expression of contrast, an opposite, polarity,
to that which was eternal darkness, but also displaying how thought, energy, or that vibration which when projected
from within a being, is perceived as words, created everything.
Hence Language is the Highest Art-Form of creation itself.
English is the last Language, and the most complicated and profoundly poetic in my own
personal opinion. It is the Language constructed of every other, and so being, is in the greatest harmony
with the rest of the whole of existence here. From the ideological perspective of "everything being everything"
Unity consciousness, or holistic thinking. Simple English phrases or even Words for that matter,
can adopt the meaning of any and everything metaphorically, yet in the literal sense they contain,
within themselves the "Divine" or truely "Real" truth of life ingrained within their very essence.
Woven into the fabric of which they themselves are constructed, on every Leve˩. From etymologically, down homo-phonetically.
"What the fuck are you talking about?."
Is such a deep and meaning-ful phrase/question, also very poetic in a sense. Stating that you do not have an w-Hol-is-tic
under-standing of that which you speak. You haven't thoroughly"went over" or studied your WORD therefore,
You don't "stand over" your speech. You lack the ability to "walk the talk." You have failed to acknowledge
the root or "deepest" meaning of whats being State-d. The word Acknowledge for example, to Act-Know-ledge,
or apply Wisdom. Act meaning to perform. Know meaning to have arelatively objective idea of a certain thing.
Ledge which would here signify a boundary, a point of safety, ortransi-tion such as the edge of a cliff.
So to acknowledge would mean, in its highest sense and lowest form. To per-form in a way which would
s-how you understand whats go-ing on, and what your boundaries are, and how to get past them when necessary.
"In a sense" Innocence, Ina Since.
Within the perception of yourself. Senses are perceptual stimuli. They are the factory in which your experience of a thing is produced.
You perceive through your sense organs, within, all that is, without. Which are simply vibrations of energy.
Different tonal frequency's waves of the same one energy, moving at speeds and possessing higher density's.
These waves are perceived as either Light, Sound, Feeling, Taste, or Smell.
When this "external" energy meets up with your "Internal" energy a sensation, an electrical impulse,
triggers a mental sensation, creating the "experience" of "something" or should I say something else.
A moment of contrast, to that which is inherently you.
Boy - "Do not try to bend the spoon, that's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth."
Neo - "What truth?"
Boy - "There is no spoon."
Neo - "There is no spoon?"
Boy - "Then you will see that it is not the spoon that bends, only yourself."
....In a sense.
"Dancing To The Beat Of Your Own Drum"
Refusing to acknowledge these things leads to your problems in life, or myriad ways to discover solutions as I see it.
The word Solution. Sol-U-Tion, Sol- meaning sun, son, or soul. As in Solomon, the King, translating into Sun/Soul of Man. U signifying You, which is "coincidentally" right in the middle. And -Tion a suffix signifying action of some sort. So a Solution is, simplified, The Action of Your Soul.
When you fail to go about dis-covering, the truest actions of The Soul, your Life is one of mis-understanding.
You don't get anything right, creating disharmony, because your living out of Con-Text with yourself. Con being False, Text being Word or Doctrine.
Instead of living, with yourself, OUT(side) of con-text, meaning free of untrue creative energy. And finally true simply means in alignment with everything else
to the point of harmonious co-existence.
"What's Going On?"
What is be-coming. What is the quest-I-on of the thing. Go is tomove. And On is to Be or Exi-stance. Existence is the external form.
Ext-ernal, exit eternal. Meaning that which appears to Be out here is only a temporary form.
One of which came out of the Eternal portion of reality, separated from Oneness to be itself, to become mortal,
So the root quest here is to reveal the outcome of motion of the temporary external form.
Know Thyself, know God.
We exist to evolve, to evolve we have to be involved. You gotta "Go In" to "Get Out."
That's revolution. Following the path of the spiral, or the circular structure moving into itself.
Forever growing larger, or smaller depending on the starting point. The path of the spir-al, the spir-it, this is what it means to be spir-it-u-al.
Spir = Circle. It = Thing. U = You. Al= All.
You All Are Of the Circle.
The Circle or 360°, the four equal sections of 90°,
Earth, Air, Fire, Water,
North, South, East, West,
Left, Down, Right, Up.
Completion, Perfection.
This is the story of Life, this is Your story. This is the story of God.
I get my energy, from my Inner G, I be in outer space, but I got inner peace.
I acquire my In-spir-a-tion, from the G within. G's symbolism is that of God. G is the 7th letter of the Alphabet.
Also the highest note on the Musical Scale. There are 7 days in a Week, And 7 Chakras, Psychic Organs, or Energy(inner G) spirals in the human vehicle.
Psych-ic means of the Soul, And an Organ is an Instrument designed to either project or be receptive of Energy. So your Chakras are the Instruments of your Soul. You must align, or tune your Chakras to make good Music.
"Are you playing the right tune?"
Lucifer the light bearer, angel to rule over all others, Master of Music. Forgot that GOD and Itself were ONE, tried to be something it wasn't, Separate. Satan, The adversary. The Devil, The opponent, the one who liveD backwards, out of harmony, separated with itself in the truest form. Self destructive. PRINCE OF THIS WORLD...
“All these things spoke Jesus unto the multitude in PARABLES; and without a parable spoke He not unto them.”
“And when He was alone, they that were about Him with the twelve asked of Him the parable. And He said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God, but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables.
“That seeing they may see, and not perceived: and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted and their sins should be forgiven them. And He said unto them, Know ye not this parable? And how then will you know allparables?”
Sin is an Archery term meaning to miss the mark, Simply to not be on point. We are all born here as sinners.
Look within to the way of salvation, THE TRUTH, THE LIGHT, AND THE WAY.
"Ye ARE GODS" "I and the Father are one."
Last Level Syndakit, with Style We Adamantly Glorify, Secretly, WE ARE GODS.

Who am EYE? Was, The Answer's question.

God is not only the WORD, but the paper the WORD is written on. Everything IS Everything. + = As Above - = So Below, = Is The middle path, The narrow path. Neutrality. Self Realization as God. Last Level Syndakit Logo. GOD as the word and the page, The square, four 90° angles, the 360. Full circle. Four triangles = The pyramid. 4 is the Number of Foundation. Pyramid = 5, Earth, Air, Fire, Water, SPIRIT. Supreme Mathematics, Divine Science.
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