#Benghazi It's interesting how you all can say 'reprensible', 'condemn in strongest terms' with such straight-face about what happened to the US Ambassador in Libya when you knew he was going to get killed 48 hours before it happened, yet d
id nothing. Ayayayay, you Luciferian Satanist Witches. I knew as per Celestial guidance your target was Libya, this is why I gave another call for REPENTANCE. Yet you all still chose the dark path. I observed, and you know well WE do not violate certain Celestial principles. His Soul issue is a different case versus what you 'think' you were all in control of. Do you really think I am stupid and blind that it was 11th Anniversary of 9/11, YOUR SIGNATURE , and you needed a human sacrifice for your god, Lucifer? September 21 is around the corner, so I guess you are making a tally how many humans get killed in the Middle East next week.
TO THE ROOKIES: Luciferian Satanic Witches love 11. 11 is the Aquarian number, hence their 21st New World Order Religion New "Aquarian" Age.
"11 Years To The Day" --
On September 11, 1990, President George Bush (Sr.) delivered a speech to the Congress entitled, "Moving Toward A New World Order".
September 11, 2001: World Trade Center attacked.
Precisely 11 years to the day after President Bush delivered this speech praising the New World Order, and declaring it to be an inevitable fact, a mighty blow was struck to move the world finally into this global world system. Another of President Bush's infamous quotes also came from this Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, when he said in August, 1990, that "this invasion shall not stand, because it threatens the New World Order." Once the Senior Bush introduced this term to the general public, everyone started using it. Dan Quayle appeared on a great many television programs, explaining this term and telling everyone what a wonderful concept it was. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Gorbachev suddenly began using this term, a formerly very hidden term reserved only for the readers of select occult material.
September 11, 2012: US Ambassador to Libya is killed. Arab Fall is triggered. Like I said, BE SPIRITUALLY WATCHFUL, all is NOT what it seem. These Witches absolutely adore the number, "11" and is committed to September 11 as a date on which they have staged important dates in the past, dates critical to the global system of the coming Antichrist.
Here's a little Luciferian Satanist Witch exercise:
1. The first 11 is formed by the day on which this tragedy occurred, September 11.
2. The second 11 is formed by adding the 9th month, September, and the date, [1 plus 1], forming another 11.
...so on and so forth.
So you can just imagine to EVERYTHING that went on 11.11.11. They even released that Thrive movie (meant to convert more Sheeples to their Fold). But THETA TEAM anticipate all this. We are at the Final Showdown and the Dark Ones are aggressively recruiting. We don't. We like people to use their Soul's antennae and find our THETA BEACON. If they follow their Egos, they automatically and easily get lured by the Dark Side. It's a simple way to separate the Chosen Ones - those people who paid the price to stay pure, deprogrammed, and embody noble virtues in action. This is the Time that the Wheat are separated from the Tares.
REPENT and CHANGE. Time is not your friend. They lied to you about that too.
In THETA's Service,

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