My Friends, Today is the start of a new week! It is a chance for a new beginning - or maybe just a different page of the same book. Either way, today is a great opportunity to realize your life. Where have you come from and where are you going? Are you making the best of your life? Are you content with who you are, and are you thankful for what you have? Do you make every moment count and do you live life to the very fullest?
Take some time today to acknowledge the blessings you have been given. If you have the ability and the opportunity to read this message, than you ARE blessed! If you have friends and /or family who love you, you ARE blessed. If you can read, write, walk, talk, hear, see, smell, taste, and Laugh, you ARE blessed. If you Love and are Loved unconditionally, than you ARE blessed!
Take today also to "recharge your battery." Meditation always helps you to recharge, stay focused and grounded. If you can, take a walk on the beach or
somewhere in nature. Breathe. Focus on you energy and how it not only affects you, but those around you, and ultimately ALL of creation.
Keep with you the affirmation, "I am peace, I am Kindness, I am Compassion, I am Patience, I am LOVE."
At last, exist today and EVERY day with the idea that each morning is a blessing and each day a new opportunity for happiness. Despite your setbacks and those things which you think might be keeping you from being truly happy, you ARE blessed. Remember that it is ONLY within you that is keeping you from being truly happy.
To All, I wish a most beautiful day and a most blessed week!! Endless Blessings!! ~ Vic
(Artist unknown)

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